05 November 2006


Shane: What a sweet looking young man.

Shane: He does have nice eyes. And his chin says FUN.
Shane: Isn't it kind of ironic that his face says "white pride" and yet he is coloring himself so that he will no longer be white?

Is this her tattoo or did she let her kindergarten troupe make an art project from her face? If that were actually the case, I might feel some respect for her. But the truth is she went into a tattoo parlor and requested those visual monstrosities be forever inkily seared into her flesh. What a maroon. Her mugshot vividly reminds me of the woman I once saw at my community college one morning before class. She was wearing an oversized, worn-out white T-shirt with the words "I HAVE PMS AND A HANDGUN" emblazoned on the front. I will never forget that. Never.

Speaking of horrible tattoos above the shoulders, here is that Jeffrey Sebalia character from the horrendous season 3 of Project Runway. Really, the guy was such a jerk. Like unbelievably so. His tattoo is supposed to be something to do with his kid but it makes his neck look like a tree trunk. A sequoia tree trunk. Maybe his neck is proportionate to the size of his big head.


David said...

What! You didn't like Jeffrey? I was glad he won. His designs were awesome, and I think he got a bad wrap from everyone. I didn't think he was that big of a jerk. Plus, you gotta admit, in combination with his own personal style, his neck looks pretty cool, where the other two people must have just been really stoned.

Tracy said...

Eh. I gave up on this season of ProjRun about halfway through because it was so boring (season 2 was the best). I kept up with the designs and weekly results online and can safely say I rarely found myself impressed with Jeffrey's work, or anyone else's work for that matter.

As for his tattoo, I don't think it's a bad tattoo. I think he has a thick neck to start with so the tattoo just makes it look even more disproportionate to his body. And for all we know he could have been stoned at the time, he used to be a big druggie himself!

shane said...

hey you said my name again!