07 November 2006


Yes, I am in love with the dream of international living. This means I've certainly browsed some global real estate online and had a particular admiration for some French properties. Still, I've gotta say that owning your own French village has to be one of the coolest things I've ever seen. And at around 298,430.89 USD, it's perfectly attainable for a good percentage of people looking at real estate.

"This small Provencal village was built on the ruins of a Roman settlement. There are 5 buildings in total, each one having its own pet name - 'La Cantinette', Le Pavillon 'Nid d'Amour', 'Le Rocher', 'La Grotte' and 'La Cuisine d'ete'.

"Don't be fooled into thinking that this place is large - it's not. But it is complete and private. The next village is only just down the road, so there is life nearby!

"An overview: In total there is about 150 m2 of living space and land of 5,000 m2. You'll enjoy sitting under the tea trees in the summer - being on the border of the Drome Provencale, sunshine is something that you'll have to get used to!"


Anonymous said...

Tracy, you should be a realtor...;)

Tracy said...

Maybe you're onto something there, Russ. Hm. No, I prefer enjoying living in a house than selling it. If only I had the last 89 cents this village could be mine! *fist on desk*

shane said...

These are seriously awesome. Do you know a realtor? Perhaps a Texan one?